What others say about Dr. Kimberly
"Kimberly has equipped me with the gift to simply divide and conquer roadblocks in my life from an eating disorder to how I look at overwhelming situations. She is able to have empathy and support with a push to do what you need to do to get it done. So ever grateful for each time with Kimberly."
- K.M.
"This program gave me so many tools to help in my ED recovery journey. Dr. Kimberly was amazing, understanding, non-judgmental, and above all, extremely helpful."
- College Student, California"I was worried and scared. I was caught in the balance of bringing up my daughters health to her, and potentially risking giving her an eating disorder, or saying nothing and watching in fear as her health continued in a bad direction. I was frozen with fear of what to do. I knew the right way to eat, but my girls heard nothing but 'blah, blah, blah' from me as I tried to help them. I knew I needed someone to help me with the entire issue and focus more on her teenage health and not just eating (or the blah blah blah). After reaching out to Dr. Kimberly the first time, I was hopeful I had found what we needed to walk these delicate waters. Being a pediatrician, she was able to help us understand how her genetics played into how important her health decisions were at a young age. She is real, understanding, and so helpful trying to meet the child where they are. I am happy to say that my 15 year old daughter is doing really well after several sessions with Dr. Kimberly. She looks healthier, her weight is healthier but, more importantly, she is feeling better. She says she is 'less tired'. She even notices if she hasn't eaten well over the weekend and she wants to get back on track with her eating. I feel like she is so much more aware of her food choices. I truly feel that Dr. Kimberly helped me turn a potentially damaging situation into a great learning and growing experience for my daughter. Progress over Perfection."
- a thankful mom
"Coaching with Dr. Kimberly was amazing. She was the most amazing coach. I actually looked forward to my sessions, she helped me more than she will ever know. I cant thank her enough, she really cared and she knew her stuff."
- L.L."I suffered with bulimia for 5 years and disordered body image for as long as I can remember. I had therapist after therapist and nothing ever helped…until I met Kimberly. She has given me my life back. She coached me through the final year of my degree (during a pandemic!), helping me maintain recovery through such a stressful time. I am endlessly grateful for her support and wisdom. I am 24, and Kimberly ensured that I get to spend the rest of my life striving for balance and happiness. Thank you Kimberly."
- A.C."After about 6 months of working with Kimberly, I am since into my 8th month of what I would consider true recovery. I have been bulimic for 12 years, and these have been my best 8 months. I would very much say I am progressing really well through this journey and have never felt as confident and as balanced as I do right now. Kimberly was very specific and targeted the exact areas that needed targeting, she removed the heavy weight of guilt and shame and laid out a step by step path to follow which has gotten me to where I am now in a place where I feel more balanced than ever before. I couldn’t be more grateful to Kimberly for truly changing my life."
- J.G.
"Kimberly has been coaching me since September 2019 and because of her I am coming up to one year of true recovery. For the first time in my life I see a way out of the hell that was my 12 year eating disorder and I am so grateful to her for that. Before finding Kimberly I had experienced many attempts at recovery either on my own, or going down the more traditional route of psychologists and CBT but nothing ever worked or if it did it never stuck. This time around I actually feel the closest I’ve ever felt to full recovery and total freedom from eating disorders. I had struggled with bulimia from my teenage years into my late twenties and then again after a relapse in my early thirties. I am now coming up to 33 and I feel like I’ve got a brand new chance at life. Considering how deeply unhappy, out of control and anxious I felt about my body, food and my self confidence only one year ago compared to now, it’s as if I’m a different person. My life has changed for the better, I have so much more energy, I can think clearer, I’m able to participate in family events and occasions without any anxiety, I have a newfound respect and love for myself and my body which I never had before. I no longer think about food, calories, weight or numbers. I’m a truly happier, calmer and a better wife & mother as a result of my recovery. Thank you Kimberly, for making me believe in myself again and for leading me down the path of total freedom!"
- Anna Saccone Joly- Submit your testimonial
Rooted Reflection | Dr. Kimberly Hicks
text or call office : 865-317-4266
© 2022