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survival guide for joy in 2022

January 3, 2022

It's January! 

A New Year has always felt like an opportunity for change.  So why don't I have that overzealous 'New Year, New You' attitude? In fact, why don't a lot of my friends and colleagues have it either?

 Well for one thing, COVID is still here! But isn't there always going to be something in our lives that is out of our control and stressful?  The older I become (Half a century old now- aka 51 yo) the more I seem to struggle with the same old heart and head issues. 

Where is the change? Where is the Transformation? 

I am realizing when I stop looking at myself with such a critical eye, there is a lot of transformation that has taken place. It's just that I'm still not perfect (nor will I ever be), I still have the same tendencies and personality traits. Frankly, that's ok.  I just want to move forward and continue to chip away at my imperfect attitude and heart.  

January gives me a concrete opportunity to sit and reassess what I want to do better, create action plans, and short and long term goals.    

However, no amount of planning, strategizing, dreaming and organizing can lead to true change.  And therein lies the problem with New Year, New You dreaming. It's the mind that is instrumental!  I will only be as successful as I think that I can be.  It is positive self talk, a thankful heart, and choosing to be kind and courageous that will make 2022 a better year for me. And the same goes with you.  Our minds are the epicenter of transformation.  If our thoughts are doubtful, fearful, negative and filled with self condemnation then it is unlikely that much will truly change in the long run. What we think about ourselves and our potential has a profound impact on what we do and what we are able to change. 

January Advertises for a quick fix with dieting for rapid weight loss, aggressive gym routines to solve all your food and body issues. The messages are everywhere. But what happens when the initial enthusiasm dwindles? It begins a new cycle of defeat and then old habits return.  

My Diet and Exercise recommendation for the first week in January is to ELEVATE YOUR MIND!!  That's right, it has nothing to do with what and when you eat or if you even exercise or move your body.  The first thing to begin is to get your mind focused on the positive, your potential, and 'things above'.  To believe that YOU Matter and What you DO is important. You were made for purpose and you have value.  The negative pull of societal pressures and evil in the world dares you to compare and compete. The internal messages say that you are not enough.  The God of our universe says that You are Enough and You are worthy. 

My life verse for 2022 is 2 Tim 1:7 (AMP)

 ' For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind, and self control]. '

And my Action Plan recommendation is to create a Confidence Ritual in 2022! 

I leave you with one final quote from a New Year's day sermon by Chad Veach

"You will never move past your mind and your thoughts.  Get your mind elevated on the things above; because, when you get your mind right, you get your life right." 

Here's to more joyful, thankful hearts in 2022!!

Dr. Kimberly